Download WAMP. Once you have downloaded it, locate the .exe and open it.Download the WAMP version that suits your OS (e.g. if your OS is 64 bit, download that version.)WH.performance.mark('step1_rendered');
Download WAMP.
Go to driver you installed wamp onwamp64www.
Go to driver you installed wamp onwamp64www.
Create a new folder. Right click on any blank space and select New. Then choose Folder and give the folder a name (the folder name will be the project name in WampServer).
Create a new folder.
Open any text editor (like Notepad).
Open any text editor (like Notepad).
Write the script. Type in the script you want to test.
Write the script.
Save the script. Save the script to the folder we created located at driver you installed WAMP on (wamp64wwwwikihow). That can be done by clicking Ffile then Save as.Give the file a name and do not forget to add .php (PHP File Extension) at the end of the file name (Ex. Wikihow.php).
Save the script.
Close the text editor.
Close the text editor.
Open your browser.
Open your browser.
Type “Local Host” in the address bar.
Type “Local Host” in the address bar.
Click on the project name from your projects
Click on the project name from your projects
Click on the PHP file to open it.
Click on the PHP file to open it.
Check the PHP file. If you spot any errors in the php file, go to wamp64wwwwikihow and right click on the PHP. Click File > Open with and then Notepad. Try to find out the error and fix it. When you're done, click File > Save and refresh the PHP page to know if the error is fixed.
Check the PHP file.
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