Latest update on September 5, 2013 at 09:58 AM by deri58 .
Professionals can independently manage the process of creating and distributing e-books and books. How to break down this process? What are the tools available?
Self-publishing is the process of creating, formatting , publishing and distributing e- books (and possibly the paper version) by the author.
Reduce the cost related to the publishing of an ebook/book:
distribution/marketing of an electronic or paper work.
The persons and entities concerned are:
Independent authors.
Experts in a technical field (marketing).
Bloggers seeking to diversify their sources of income.
Companies in all sectors seeking to publish a magazine, brochure , etc. .
It is important to choose a suitable distribution model and thus opt between the paid or free distribution of the ebook.
This choice depends mainly on:
The contents of the book: is the content good enough (specific/quality/unique) to be marketed?
The reputation of the author : authority on the web and social networks, large audience (website/blog).
Its goal: bringing awareness and help readers to generate revenue.
Its target : is there a demand for this type of content?
The time available, due to operational constraints: choice of distribution platform, management of payment modules and inventory .
Both models are compatible : in the context of a paid distribution, it is wise to publish excerpts from a free digital book on a blog, for example.
In the case of free distribution: add the appropriate license for the reuse/distribution of the content.
The different steps:
Market research (if you intend to sell your book)
The format: text/illustrations
Verification of compliance with copyright, if third party contents are being used.
Writing, proofreading , content validation
Layout and the hoice of desktop publishing tools : if the formatting is intended for printing , check the technical specifications required by the online provider (e.g file format) . Do not forget to include links to facilitate navigation in the final PDF document.
Printing, proofreading.
Choosing a distribution platform.
Communicate about your ebook:
Create a Twitter account/Facebook page dedicated to the book, several months before the completion of the project.
Regularly publish excerpts from the document.
Inkscape is a free vector graphics editing software, making use of the Scalable Vector Graphics file format .
It is an alternative to professional softwares such as CorelDraw and Illustrator.
Inkscape allows you to create different graphic elements such as icons, logos, charts, etc. .
It allows you to import images to Postscript, EPS , JPEG , PNG and TIFF formats.
It includes different filters/effects.
Scribus is an open source software distributed under GPL license and is available on Linux/UNIX , Windows and MacOSX.
It is an alternative to the InDesign software (create layouts).
It allows you to create newspapers, brochures and any document requiring implementation of a specific form (inserting illustrations, tabletc).
Gimp is an open source image processing software (alternative to Photoshop), available on Windows, Linux and Mac OS .
It includes a wide variety of image editing tools.
It offers over 150 effects and filters classified by type .
It provides various tools of transformation, selection and creation of layers.
It works with different file formats (jpeg, gif, bmp, png, etc. . ).
Among the platforms to distribute digital books :
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